Hybrid coaching

Hybrid Coaching

Do you struggle to be consistent in making healthy changes due to busy work life, childcare or any other potential barrier that can get in the way? Maybe your goals range from

  • Losing weight/ body fat.
  • Improving general fitness and energy levels.
  • Reducing anxiety and improving sleeping patterns

 If this sounds familiar have you heard of Hybrid Coaching?

Book a free consultation call now

What is Hybrid Coaching?

Our Hybrid coaching is a blend of online personal training and one-to-one sessions, either in person or virtually. It's not just a fitness app you download and then access workouts and other fixed content that every other subscriber gets. 

It gives you the experience of personal training with 100% focus on YOU at a fraction of the cost.

Your workouts and fitness programme are built around your current levels of fitness, age and ability, and what equipment you have access to if you are not a member of a gym. We could still build an effective programme that guarantees you results with no equipment whatsoever, as long as you have access to a tablet or smartphone.

It also includes regular one-to-one sessions either at our fitness studio in Newcastle city centre or you can do your weekly personal training session virtually.

 It will be scheduled on a day and time to suit you, lasts one hour and is not an hour of intense exercise working you into a sweaty mess, it's a case of training smarter rather than harder.

It also includes a consultation to allow you to check in with us and ensure you are on track with your long-term and short-term goals. 

We guide you by the hand towards your goals if you are struggling it's our responsibility to fix it, it's not a case of you not wanting it enough. Making changes around your current circumstances can be challenging and is often overlooked if you go for a quick fix and compare yourself to others. 

Our hybrid coaching allows you to unlock your full potential and integrate the best of both worlds, with one-to-one sessions that you have to commit to giving you accountability, and the convenience of having the flexibility of using our online tools to form healthy long-term habits to ensure long term results you will keep for years to come. 


  • Quick fixes
  • Insane fat-burning workouts.
  • Fad diets and ridiculously low-calorie meal plans.


  • Full attention and personalised support, you are not just a general subscriber who is following the same workouts etc as everyone else.
  • To be guided by the hand towards your set goals, you have to be accountable but it's our responsibility to get you there. 
  • 8-week action plan built around your family commitments, and work life to ensure Long-term sustainable results ranging from
  1. Weight loss/Fat loss.
  2. Improved general fitness.
  3. Increased energy by improving sleep
  4. Improved mental well-being and reduced anxiety. 

Dont take our word for it

I started personal training hoping to lose some weight and increase my fitness levels. Previously I would work 4-5 times a week and never had an issue with my weight, In the past 3 years my weight steadily increased and my level of exercise reduced to walking my dog.

John explained that making little changes can have a huge difference and boy was he right! I slightly increased my steps each day and introduced 3 workouts that were fun and energising. In 4 weeks I lost 20lbs, I reduced my calorie and alcohol intake but did not cut out anything I enjoyed. My mood has improved and I'm sleeping much better too

Lisa Whitwell

I met John and got involved in the Hybrid coaching programme by fate, and from that moment on my life started to change. Over 12 months I lost 5 stone, brought my blood pressure and cholesterol done to that of a 23-year-old and now I’m the fittest and healthiest I’ve ever been.

 It’s improved not only my general fitness but my mental well-being as well. John pushed me and challenged me to live the life I aspired to have educating me on food, fitness and mindset and I can’t thank him enough. 

 He now works with all my team at Samuel Knight and the results have been unbelievable. Productivity was up, sales up, and overall performance of the business increased by up to 200%.

I highly recommend John to any company, person or director. He will change your life, your company and most importantly your health and mindset


Steve Rawlingson

Book a free consutation call now

Personal training experience with a fraction of the cost

Your programme is completely tailored towards you.

Learn how your body works and how to sustain results

Friendly Support and full guidence towards your wellbeing goals

How does it work?

It all starts by booking a free 30-minute consultation call, it is not an uncomfortable sales call, the cost of our hybrid coaching is £90 a month and you can cancel at any time. 

 The consultation allows us to discuss your well-being goals, what you expect from working with us and so we can build daily habits as part of an 8-week action plan based around you and specific towards your long-term goals.

 If you decide not to go ahead with the Hybrid coaching you still get full feedback from the consultation to help you make a start yourself.

We will then start building your exercise programme which will be gym-based or home workouts with or without equipment. Your tailored progressive programme could range from 8 to 16 weeks depending on your goals, We will also Set up your daily habits around your current circumstances as part of the 8-week action plan, and finally, we send you a link to activate your profile on the Unravled wellbeing app. 

What includes. 

  • 3 personalised workouts each week with video tutorials and an interactive programme card to record reps sets and weights so we can track your progress.
  • Dash displayed body fat percentage, daily step count, current weight and calorie intake ( if your goal is weight loss or muscle gain) 
  • Scheduled live classes 
  • Access to the Unraveled community where you can interact with other members, access recipe tutorials, and get involved with regular group challenges.
  • Regular one-to-one sessions. 

What is a consulation call?


Click the blue buttons on this page to take your free phone consultation now


Or fill out the form below and leave a message with a time that suits you


It will last 30 minutes and we will discuss your previous & current health, set some realistic SMART goals and you can ask any questions you might have


We will then build your personalised programme around YOU and send you a link to access your account

Call for your free consultation or fill out the contact form and let us know a time best

Book your free consulation now

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